Amy Thompson » Class Expectations

Class Expectations

Mrs. Thompson's Class Expectations:
My classroom is a very student friendly place.  I do expect the following from all students:
-Respect to the teachers and other students.  This includes not talking while others are speaking.  I also expect us to keep our hands and feet to ourselves.  
-Come to school ready to learn.  The atmosphere in our classroom will be very laid back when we are working.  There are times that we must be focused and listen.  Homework that is given will be communicated with parents through dojo or other methods so that parents will also be included in those expectations.
-Responsibility is something we all must work on throughout the year.  I will expect my students to keep up with their things. As they are only two years from middle school, this is something we work on all year.
-Always follow school rules.
Grading Policy and Scale:
I usually have 3-5 major grades each quarter and 5-10 minor assignments.  Quizzes will be minors.  I will always make parents aware of major grades coming up. Homework is generally counted as one minor grade each quarter.
Our grading scale is; 
90-100 A
80-89 B
70-79 C
60-69 D
Below 60 is failing
I mainly will communicate through class dojo.  We use this also for behavioral points, as well as reward incentives.  Please make sure to add dojo as soon as you are able.