School Hours and Early Dismissal
Arrival and Dismissal
Safety is always a primary concern at Denton Elementary School. It is especially important during arrival and dismissal. For the safety of all, please adhere to the following:
Arrival Procedures
- Students who walk to school or ride in cars should arrive between 7:30 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. Students should report directly to their classroom. No students should arrive at school before 7:30 a.m. due to lack of supervision before this time.
- All cars bringing students must use the circle drive to unload students in front of the media center. No cars will be allowed to park in front of the school.
- Circle traffic is routed “One Way Only” as marked by signs.
- Cars should remain in the right lane while picking up or dropping off children. Cars should use the left lane to exit the circle. It is not to be used as a two-lane drive or pick-up. Never block the drive.
- Students should get out of their cars on the passenger side so they can step onto the sidewalk without crossing traffic. If your vehicle has a booster seat, make sure it is located so the student can exit from the passenger side. Students should be ready to exit their vehicles when they reach the sidewalk area, allowing four cars to unload at one time.
- No horizontal parking directly beside the building in the circle drive.
- The road on the east side of the school is not to be used to deliver or pick up students. This road is a Fire Lane and should be left open for emergency vehicles and delivery trucks only.
Dismissal Procedures
- As cars arrive in the afternoon they should begin to park along the curb on Salisbury Street in front of First Baptist Church and beyond. No cars will be allowed to park in front of the school.
- At about 2:25 p.m., cars may begin pulling into the circle to prepare for dismissal.
- As the 2:35 p.m. dismissal bell rings, car riders will report to the sidewalk. Parents in their cars will wait at the covered sidewalk in the circle drive until school personnel bring their student(s) to the car.
- Each parent must display the school issued green car rider sign in order to pick up their student. Cars who do not have the green sign must pull to the front of the circle for an ID check. This is very important for student safety purposes. Thank you in advance for your cooperation with this process.
Tardies and Early Dismissal Policy
It is extremely important for students to attend school regularly and to be at school the full school day. When they are on time in the morning, they are able to get settled in and organized to get a good start on the day with the rest of the class. The last 20 minutes of the day are important to make sure they have their assignments, to review what they have learned that day, and to talk about the next day’s plans. Teachers lose valuable time when making up lessons and assignments for students who are excessively tardy, leave early, or are absent. Parents can be helpful by scheduling their child’s appointments after school when possible, or on days when school is not in session.
A student who arrives after 8:00 a.m. is tardy and must come by the office before going to the classroom to pick-up a tardy pass. Each tardy will be documented. Please be aware that according to School Board Policy 6.4, students who are excessively tardy to school may be suspended for up to 2 days for such offenses. If you wish to pick your child up from school early, please make certain the reason is important and not just for convenience. Each early dismissal will be documented. Students who attend each school day during a nine-week period will receive recognition for “Perfect Attendance” at the quarterly Awards Assembly.
Students leaving early must be picked up by 2:00 PM. No early dismissals will occur after this time. It is our top priority to make sure each student arrives at their destination in the afternoon safely. Dismissals after 2:00 PM create confusion for students and staff. If you must pick your child up early, please arrive in the office no later than 2:00 PM.
- Report to the office – NOT the classroom.
- Your child(ren) will be released only to the person whose name is specified in the note sent to the teacher.
- Someone from the office will send for your child(ren) after your arrival.
- Sign the student(s) out of school and give a reason for the early dismissal on the form provided in the office. This is for the safety and protection of your child(ren) should they need to be located at a later time.
- Be prepared to show photo ID if requested. This procedure will help insure that the child(ren) leaves with properly designated persons.