Katelyn Younts » Grading Procedures

Grading Procedures

Fifth grade is not easy. Students will need to study at home in order to be successful this year. Advance notice will be given of test dates so that students will have ample time to study. Test dates will be notified in Dojo class updates. If a student is absent the day of the test, it will be made up on the first day back. Tests (major grades) count for 60% of their final grade.
Quizzes will given in order to prepare your child for tests. Quizzes will count for 40% of their final grade.
Grading Scale
A = 90-100
B = 80-89
C = 70-79
D = 60-69
E = 50-59
F = 49 and below
Graded Work
You are able to log into a Parent PowerSchool Portal to check your child's assignments and grades. You will need to come into the office for this login information.
Please remember to check your child's folder/binder for any returned tests or quizzes