Kim Scarboro » Monthly Speech & Language Newsletter

Monthly Speech & Language Newsletter

Speech-Language News

We are off to a great start this school year. It is hard to believe the end of the first quarter is approaching.  During the month of October, we will be monitoring the progress on your child’s current speech/language goals. Please look for the 1st Quarter Speech/Language Progress report that will be sent home with regular report cards.

Fall is Here

Hopefully your child has already shared some speech/language homework we have sent home for extra practice. Anytime is a good time to practice speech/language! If your child is working on improving his/her articulation of a specific sound, be sure to listen for his/her correct production of that sound. If your child is focusing on improving fluency of speech, remind him/her to use the strategies learned in speech class to assist with “smooth speech.” Several activities can be done to expand language skills.  Here are a few activities to help

support speech/language this month.

1) Have your child describe a

scarecrow and its purpose.

2) Talk about the different

meanings of “fall” (the season

and the action word). Then,

brainstorm other words with

multiple meanings.

3) Have your child tell you different

things that occur during the

season of fall.

Please contact us, anytime, with any questions! Email, Class Dojo, Phone, or stop by the Speech Room.  Mrs. Thomas & Mrs. Scarboro